Forest Service cuts will have long term negative effects on recreational management. Please call your representatives to voice your concerns. Click for contact info.
Get ready for Winter Trails and be on your best behavior.
We're making Giving Tuesday a season, starting now.
Walk more than the 3 Mayors in October. Learn more here.
A new ABL on Old Jackson road might take some getting used to.
Read the response from Trails & Pathways to IDPR's Public Meeting on April 26th.
Read the season update from our Program Director, Nick Beatty
Your chance to learn more about the project and provide your comments.
Do you know where your 6 miles are?
Read our latest newsletter to get an update on trail conditions and upcoming events.
Trail Stickers are here- get yours today because the snow is FALLING.
Read our Annual Report for important information about projects, our financial health and how hard your donation dollars are working in Teton Valley.
The City of Victor and Teton Valley Trails & Pathways announces that the Centennial Trail Project planned completion is Friday, September 16, 2022, and will be open to the public on Saturday, September 17, 2022.
Fox Creek project is fueled by volunteers + get ready for Wydaho.
Join us to get the inside scoop on signature Trails & Pathways projects.
Provide comments and input to the Teton Basin Ranger District on upcoming projects by 1/26/22.
Friluftsliv is the Scandinavian concept of open-air living and you can embrace the open air of the season with this year's Winter Trails Challenge. Ski, bike or ride more than 7000 miles as a community this January.
Deep dive on how conservation and recreation came together with the Teton Creek Corridor Pathway.
Read about the carrying power of llamas and the human power of wilderness stewards to help maintain a backcountry trail.
Trails & Pathways Board Thanks You; Summer Trail Etiquette
We are excited to announce the opening of the Teton Creek Corridor Pathway!
Giving Tuesday is December 1 and your dollars will have more impact with a match.
Here's all you need to know about Winter Trails grooming this season.
The best 2 minutes and 56 seconds you'll have today!
No new socks, but we're not crying about it.
Trail Day & a New Trail South of Victor
Find out how and where your donations support pathways and trails in Teton Valley, along with what we're planning for the next year.
We do what we do to provide a better quality of life through healthy, affordable and safe recreation to everyone in Teton Valley and we’d like your support during this year's Tin Cup Challenge.
Sign up and you'll get the first nuggets of trails & pathways info!
Not signed up? You'll get the first nuggets of trails & pathways info!
Our partnerships with the cities of Driggs and Victor have paid off yet again with grants to extend 3 pathway sections in Teton Valley.
Nordic mysteries uncovered! Here are some of the most asked questions about how we keep Teton Valley well-groomed.
In the last week, we’ve heard requests to keep Winter Trails open with the various cancellations and closures in the community. We plan to do just that.
Last week, the local Forest Service office implemented some updated regulations to winter trails on Forest Service land.