You won't miss the Spud Chase this year- it's coming to Teton Reserve! This new race venue and course features a 7 km lap around the Teton Reserve Winter Trail course with 205’ of climbing. The Spud Chase also includes races for kids, so bring the whole family for a fun morning of Nordic skiing. The Teton Reserve Winter Trails start at 6,150 feet in elevation. Preview the race course on Friday January 21. The course will also be available after the race and on January 23.
Course Information:
Teton Reserve Golf Course, 6660 Reserve Dr, Victor, ID 83455
Start time for 21km (3 laps), 14km (2 laps) and 7km (1lap) races- 10 am
Start time for 3km, .5km races- 10:02am
Touring Class also available.
Race Information:
Race bib pickup is from 8:30 to 9:30 AM Saturday morning before the race at the Teton Reserve Clubhouse
There will be one aid station out on the course near the Clubhouse and will be available for each lap of the race and at the finish. No aid stations will be located out on the course.
You must be 7 or older to participate in the 7km or longer races.
3km race is designated for 20 and under
.5km race designated for 7 and under.
The post‐race lunch will begin at 11:30 AM. Awards will begin at 12:00 p.m.
Early bird pricing for races (by Jan 20, 2022):
21km: $25
14km: $20
7km Tour: $20 (timed, not eligible for awards.)
U8-U20, 3km: $10
U7 and younger, .5km: FREE!
Entry fees increase + $15 on January 21, 2022
Face coverings required for all indoor spaces.
Online registration only. No day of race on-site registration. Online Registration closes on the morning of the race at 6am. NO REGISTRATION is available on site except .5km racers are FREE. Bib pickup day of race.
Entry fee includes donation to Teton Valley Trails & Pathways and entry into post event drawings.
There are no refunds on the registration fee unless race organizers cancel the race.
Thank you local merchants for race prizes and support!
Questions? Contact Race Director Kevin Hinkley via email kevhin18@gmail.com